Territori Pirineus | Yoga course

Yoga course

November 19-21

hata yoga


We propose an experience to work body and mind and seek our internal balance and connect with everything that surrounds us. With all the natural surroundings that the Vall de les Vernedes offers us in general and La Borda de Ritort, in particular, we will enjoy a weekend where we will find ourselves discovering the most positive things that we have. With walks, guided classes and group activities

All within walking distance of the Alt Pirineu Natural Park and with top-level guides who love their work and want to share it with you

yoga nidra


• 9:30 – Welcome and Breakfast
• 10:30 – Salutation to the Sun where we will seek the serenity of all of us and prepare the mind to achieve a meditative practice
• 11.00 – Hatta yoga session (Magda). Practices with physical postures and techniques combined with breathing control and meditation
• 12.00 Walk enjoying the silence and the sounds of nature. We must consciously enjoy what we do and the present we live
• 13.30 Lunch in the Restaurant and rest
• 16.00 – Yoga nidra session. Consisting of a guided dream
• 18.00 Snack
• 18.30 Cultural visit to Sant Feliu Church
• 21.00 Dinner and sleep

• 8.30 Wake-up song
• 9.30 Breakfast
• 10.30 Rafting down the Noguera Pallaresa or Horse Excursion through the Vall de les Vernedes. With these activities we seek to discover what nature provides us but from a more playful side
• 14.30 Lunch and closing



– The sessions will be directed by Pepeta and Maria
– The walk is an activity that we will do spontaneously and in total silence to enjoy the sounds that surround us
– Yoga nidra is the most complete technique
– At snack we will rest listening to mantras
– For nature activities you need a swimsuit and towel

150 € price for one person

For any questions contact us by email hola@territopirineu.com


+34 616 603 849 · Av/ Doctor Muxí, 6, Oficina, 25560 Sort (Alt Pirineu i Aran) · hola@territoripirineu.com · © 2024 · Legal Info · Privacy Policy · Cookies Policy · Design