Territori Pirineus | Pastry workshop

Pastry workshop

Dates to be determined


Do you have a celebration at home and you don’t know what to prepare or how to do it?

Come, disconnect and enjoy nature while you learn basic techniques, tricks and baking tips to be able to make the easiest way.

A workshop offered to all members of the public who wish to expand their knowledge on the preparation of gingerbread and biscuits, their variants, baking, creams and their decoration.

There is no need for previous experience, we will do the processes step by step to follow the rhythm and without rushing; all in a natural environment of relaxation and good atmosphere


Saturday 20 May/
• 9:30 – Welcome and Breakfast
• 10:30 – 13:30 – Introduction to baking and making dough
Elaboration of the masses, type of mold, cooking, temperatures, demoulding and conservation
• 13.30 Lunch in the Restaurant and rest
• 16.00 – 19:00 – Preparation and decoration of 3 biscuits
Chocolate Frosting Cream, Dark Chocolate Ganache, Tea Cookies
• 21.00 Dinner and rest

Sunday May 21/
• 9.30 Breakfast
• 10.30 Rafting down the Noguera Pallaresa or Horse Excursion through the Vall de les Vernedes. With these activities we seek to discover what nature provides us but from a more playful side
• 14.30 Km0 Barbecue Lunch and closing


– The sessions will be directed by the expert pastry chef
– All the necessary materials and utensils are provided
– We will present you with a folder with all the techniques and recipes developed during the course
– Apron, mask and cooking cap required
– For nature activities you need a swimsuit and towel

€ price for one person

For more information you can send an email to hola@territopirineu.com


+34 616 603 849 · Av/ Doctor Muxí, 6, Oficina, 25560 Sort (Alt Pirineu i Aran) · hola@territoripirineu.com · © 2024 · Legal Info · Privacy Policy · Cookies Policy · Design