Important notes

• The activities are aimed at all levels and we adapt according to the participants
• Everyone is responsible for their safety during the development of the courses and workshops. The Pyrenees territory has RC and Accident insurance; but depending on the course, it is recommended that if you are not affiliated or do not have private insurance, get one. Consult and we will inform you of the possibilities
• It is important for both the food and the activities to let us know any intolerance or medical prescription to take into account
• Sheets and coverlet are included for the stay; and you should bring bath and shower towels as well as sleeping bags if someone wants to be warmer
• For each course or workshop we will inform you of the specific material that must be brought, ask us if it is not clear or if we have not specified it
• When participating in our courses and/or workshops we make images that we then publish prior to information; if someone doesn’t want to appear, they have to tell us explicitly
• Once the registration form has been sent, we will send you a message on how to formalize the reservation; sending the form does not presuppose registration. When we receive it we will validate your reservation
• Regarding the pandemic health measures, we will update them and adapt for each date to the guidelines of the health authorities
Any questions, contact us by email or by phone/whats 616 603 849


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